Author: Angela Knight
Title: Warrior (Time Hunters series, #1)
Genre: Futuristic Romance
Publisher: Berkley Sensation
ISBN: 9780425220849
The Romance Author's Verdict: 4/5 Stars
In the 24th century, anyone can leap through time at will. To police the time jumpers, the Temporal Enforcement Agency has established a precinct in time. Galar Arvid is a genetically altered warlord and agent whos been sent back to 2008 to save a pretty Atlanta artist from a Xeran time traveler who intends to kill her for profit. What Galar doesnt count on is the powerful desire Jessica Kelly ignites in him. But could a romance between them work? A three-hundred-year chasm separates them and, even if they dart through time, theres still a maniacal killer on their tails.
I've heard mixed things about Angela Knight, some people really love her and others have said she's only so-so. I wasn't sure what to expect when I picked up this book, but I was looking for something sci-fi-ish so decided to give it a go.
I think this book could have been fantastic. It is good, I'll give you that, but it was like a really great idea got mushed together with a cliche romance and the result was something that swung back and forth between "wow, I can't put this down" and "eh, what a surprise, they're having sex. *skipping pages*"
The story was what kept me going, the b-grade romance I could have done without. Galar (and I had a real issue with his name, that partly put me off) was a bit stereo-typical. He was all tough and warrior-like (hence the title) and had a bad-ass reputation. He'd been burned by a previous girlfriend and carried all the usual issues of an Alpha-Male-Betrayed-By-Ex-And-Now-Only-Wants-Sex-With-No-Strings-Attached. Of course he decided that the heroine he'd been tasked with protecting, Jessica, wouldn't be around for all that long, so he was going to scratch his itch and then send her on her way. And we all know how that always ends up turning out. Surprise! He started having feelings for her so things became complicated.
In this book's defense, the Time Hunter element really intrigues me, so I will be off to read the next books in the series, and some of Ms. Knights other books such as Warfem and Jane's Warlord. I'm just really hoping next time I get a better romance element out of the story.
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