Author: Cindy Gerard
Title: Whisper No Lies (3rd book in the BOIs series)
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Publisher: Pocket Star Books Romance (Imprint of Simon & Schuster Inc)
The Romance Author's Verdict: 4/5 Stars
When a high roller at the Vegas casino where Crystal Debrowski manages security makes a scandalous proposition, she flat-out refuses, especially given rumors of his shady overseas connections. But then counterfeit bills mysteriously flood the gaming tables, and her reputation — and her life — are on the line.
Despite his big, flirty grin, Texas heartbreaker Johnny Duane Reed can't get sassy Crystal off his mind. When she is abducted by an international crime lord with a threatening obsession, Reed enlists his Black Ops, Inc. team to pursue a dangerous mission to rescue her.
Between Crystal and Johnny burns a scorching flame, but as they battle her relentless abductor, they uncover a malicious arms trafficking and white slavery ring. Together, they must destroy the tyrant's wicked enterprises or face his reign of terror themselves....
I've got to be in the right mood to pick up a Cindy Gerard book. I know she's a New York Times Bestselling Author, but I've found her to be a bit hit and miss. I read the first book in the Black Ops Inc, or BOIs series, Show No Mercy, and thought "meh". It was okay, but wasn't going to make me rush out and read the next one. In fact I skipped the second one, Take No Prisoners, and went straight to this one for the simple fact that out of all the BOI team members, I really liked Johnny Reed and Whisper No Lies is his book.
This was a simple, quick read. The facts are straight forward, the characters easy to understand and there's enough action to keep you engaged. I think these elements are why Ms. Gerard is a NYT Bestseller. Johnny didn't disappoint. His journey of falling for Crystal and then coming to grips with it was very well done. Likewise, Crystal's own challenges, both physical and mental, made for a contrast at some points, but also sometimes mirrored Johnny's struggles. I don't remember reading another book where both characters were coming to terms with commitment issues for different reasons and Ms Gerard handled this really well.
So if you like an action packed romantic suspense and an easy read you don't have to put too much effort into thinking about, then Whisper No Lies hits all the right marks.
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